Tuesday, August 21, 2007

And the Winner Is...

Thing 19

I started off by looking at all the nominees for the Web 2.0 awards, but there was so much that I chose to choose from the winners list. And how to play around with just 1 thing? I looked at a few, and was pleasantly surprised to find that I was familiar with much more than I thought I was going to be. A brief summary of what I found, what I thought.

Craig's List: I've used this before, my friends have used this before. When I first perused it I thought it was so big, how could anyone find anything? But, several events later (both hosted and attended) I've learned that people do read the List, and they will buy and sell items on it. It's a handy, area-specific, online, classified section.

Yahoo! Local city guide: This can be helpful, although it doesn't encompass everything that's in a city, just what users of the city guide have chosen to post. The reviews are good to read, and I found out about a couple of places I didn't know existed in Frederick which came as a surprise to me, being from the area.

Pandora: I became a subscriber to this site, and I'm a big fan. I love being able to create my own "radio station" based on artists I like. They're remarkably perceptive as to my music tastes.

1 comment:

contrarymary2 said...

I have bought many items listed on CraigsList. A great place to look for antique furniture!