Monday, July 30, 2007

You can roll a Rollyo to your pal...

Thing 12

I think this is quite the interesting concept, this Rollyo business. Interesting, yes, but necessary? As time marches on and I get closer to completing the 23 Things I have
to wonder if I have latent Luddite tendencies (as opposed to this person). Learning how to judge the accuracy of a website is something that was beaten into me during my years in school, and so I'm at determining if a website is worth anything or not. After doing a Google search, I find it pretty easy to quickly scan through the hits and to decide which sites are going to help me. I also feel that by limiting the websites I use in my search I might miss out on something valuable that could turn up by accident. Like a shark picture. Or like a shark and kayak picture. It's Shark Week on the Discovery channel. Check out this video, if you dare. It's not for the faint of heart.

A note about what I actually experienced on Rollyo: I didn't take the time to list too many websites in my own Searchroll, I began making a searchroll for music (none too original, really, but I was mentally stymied at the time) and found myself returning to Google to get ideas for websites that I'd want to include on my own Roll. Then I thought, if I'm seeking out the sites from Google, maybe I could just continue to do my searches from there. So I tried a search or two on Rollyo, just to see, and got many results that didn't come from my Searchroll. What the H? I wondered.

I just completed a successful Rollyo search, and now I finally see how this just might come in handy. I did a search for an artist I like, from my own customized search engine, and got the results I was looking for. So it can make sense to use something like this, but what about all that other information that's online that you just stumble across when searching for something. I may use the occassional Rollyo search, but I think that typically, I'll stick with the more traditional ways of searching.

Friday, July 27, 2007

The Return of Thing 10

After noticing that a couple 23-thingers mentioned the whole "export" option (which I couldn't find before and now seems remarkably obvious), I went back and exported my avatar. I think we really look alike, I mean really, really look alike.

Yahoo! Avatars U.K. & Ireland

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

It's a LibraryThing

Thing 11

I've started up my own catalog of books I've read today; I'll start a list of books I want to read tomorrow. I must be tired, though, because at this moment I'm thinking that a notebook and a pen seem easier to me for list making. Right this second, the only book thing I want to do is find out what happens in The Book that Must Not Be Named. Homeward bound, I am, to see. I'll revisit this Library Thing soon and I promise to love it then. Pinkie swear.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

This guy knows what he's talking about

Thing 10

I played around with the image generator Letter James, and came up with this library-friendly fellow. He visits classrooms and whacks kids on the head with his sign when he's finished. Oi, he might say on his way out.

The opposite of Useful is Useless

Thing 9

As per the instructions, I did find some useful blogs to subscribe to. In the process, however, I began to question what "useful" really means. I figure it holds a different meaning for each person and, as the ol' paraphrased saying goes, one man's usefulabilityness is another man's non-usefulabilityness. I find it useful (as the word starts to sound stranger and stranger to me) to look at ridiculous librarian blogs. A band name my sister and I tossed around for our soon-to-be-famous project was The Dearhearts. A quick bit of research showed there's already a rock n roll librarian out there somewhere that's used our band name. She seems to have a drinking problem. All of which falls within the category of info useful to me. The Dearhearts project is temporarily shelved, as you can see by the extreme progress of our Myspace account, but the fame is still on its way.

Ticket to ride the Blogline Highway

Thing 8

Okay, I'm subscribed now. I'm a part of the rss-world, hip and up-to-date and I receive my news in my own personal aggregator. This is a great idea but I was reluctant, for whatever reason. It somehow seemed easier to go to all the different sites I peruse in order to get my daily dose of information, but I'm now seeing the error of my ways.