Thursday, June 28, 2007

Lots of people love technology

You may not be able to tell by the medium on which they choose to write, but it's heartfelt. This is from a really great website called found magazine.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Anything technology

Thing 7

I want to play Wii. I haven't gotten into video games since I was a Super Mario Bros. III addict, although I experienced a brief Galaga/Ms. Pac Man revival a few years ago when I frequented the laundromat. I like the idea that one can move one's body and be vaguely active while playing a videogame. Maybe Wii is the answer to childhood obesity!!

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

My Friend Flickr

Thing 6

Chia Pet, originally uploaded by snowboard9.

Not everything needs a point; not everything needs to do something that's productive, right? With that in mind, here's my favorite Flickr mashup.

Monday, June 25, 2007

What's that euphonious sound?

After purchasing the tickets and riding the rides (with a stomach full of funnel cake), the next step in a traditional Frederick County carnival evening is to listen to the band.

Tickets, please

Thing 5

A couple of weeks ago, we played at the Woodsboro carnival. This is where you would have purchased tickets to get on the very safe rides.

The neat thing about Flickr is that you can use someone's picture and post it to your own blog. Flickr even takes care of giving credit to the person who took the picture. Pretty neat.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

This is only a test

Things 1 & 2

The 7 1/2 Habits--my favorite one is probably step 7 1/2, because it's the most fun. Life, however, can't be all play so there's more to say about it.

Initially when looking over the list I thought, Well, I'm great at each and every step; it's quite possible that I'm the best lifelong learner that's ever been. I closed my eyes for a second and saw the awards and statuettes coming my way, the ceremonies, the gift bags. But, since I'm such a great learner I made myself read the list again and actually Reflect On What It Means To Me.

Something I enjoy, even though it can be occassionally time-consuming and frustrating, is dealing with problems that arise during the learning process. I've learned some important things when certain other things go wrong. Step 3, then, gets a thumbs up.

On the ol' other hand, though, I tend to not have enough confidence in myself as a learner. It really depends on what the subject is, but if it's something I've decided I'm not so good at then I automatically assume it's going to take me a long time to learn. That would mean it's the step I need to work on. Step right up.